Monday, May 18, 2009

How orange are you? (Pt 3)

And the final batch of happy 'orange people'....

Ms Cynthia from VP (Academic) Office

Ms Musfiza from SRPP

En Azmin from MARC

En Ezral from CISR

Ms Violet from CCU

Ms Isma from CCU

Ms Juwita from CCU

Bookmark this page for more entries coming soon. Remember, whenever you see us around, strike a pose!


  1. next week i nak try pakai tie lah, mesti cun gile,.. hihihih.. Hari Orangeeee

  2. Oohh...I hope my picture gets taken and posted next week coz I really want to be the "Smart"-est Orange of them all! *batting eyelashes*

  3. Mana orang Melaka? Today i start to wear the scarf.. blerghh..

  4. bika, pekata u jadik photographer for melaka? sana lom ada input lagi

  5. mr file a.k.a mr skypeMay 19, 2009 at 8:32 AM

    dengan ini, saya mengesahkan diri saya sebagai wakil melaka untuk kelihatan oren di cyberjaya pada hari semalam. tenkiu.

  6. wahaha.. dengan ini saya melantik mr. file a.k.a skype untuk menjadi photographer melaka. WAHAHAH!! Setuju??!

  7. mr file a.k.a mr skypeMay 19, 2009 at 2:21 PM

    jadik photographer tak setuju. kamera takde. jadik model boleh la...hua hua hua
